Appel à manifestation d’intérêt : Pool de professionnels préqualifiés et conformes pour fournir des services d’enquête à ActionAid International au Royaume-Uni.






Through its Whistleblowing Policy, ActionAid International maintains a whistleblowing system which is aimed at reinforcing the organisation’s commitment to conducting its business with honesty and integrity and to comply with its policies, values, attitudes and behaviours. The system provides a channel for reporting of suspected wrongdoing as quickly as possible, in the knowledge that concerns will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately and, in a way, which ensures that those who raise genuine concerns can do so without fear of reprisals.

Through the Global SHEA and Safeguarding Policies, ActionAid International outlines the organisation’s commitment to preventing any form of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse (and harm towards children and adults at risk) and to responding to any concerns raised. The Global SHEA and Safeguarding Team oversees the management of SHEA and Safeguarding concerns across the Federation and works closely with AA entities to address concerns. Most SHEA and Safeguarding concerns are investigated internally, with the support of staff in AA entities and members of a trained SHEA and Safeguarding Investigator Network.

The Global Secretariat of ActionAid International seeks the services of professionals and/ or professional firms to work with the in-house internal audit function in investigating reports made through the whistleblowing system and/or the safeguarding system. The above named will take the decision on whether or not an external Investigation is required based on a number of criteria. The services will be requested as and when required and work may be carried out across any of ActionAid’s 45 geographic locations within ActionAid Country Offices.

The work will involve the planning, execution and reporting on the investigations allocated to the service provider, following a Request for Quotation process relating to the specific project requirements. The service provider will have to submit a complete investigation file which includes an audit report and where required may also be requested to assist ActionAid in the compilation of charges for disciplinary purposes.

How to apply

The Terms of Reference with supporting documentation can be requested in writing from Chris Homann (he/him) at [email protected]

Closing date for applications/submission is 2023/05/15 at 16:00 / 4PM (GMT) and can be submitted to Chris Homann (he/him) at [email protected]